Brazilian distiributor has implemented "Shira Universe" with single projector to Jabuti Educational company.
Short description about Jabuti:
Jabuti is not only actively participating in the creation of values on the basis of respect and responsibility, but also acting as a partner in schools to provide information and raise a new environment and social awareness.
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Altair LLC company adored the Shira Player adoption with Hakoniwa multiprojector plugin to Stella Marino education campany.
They are using single wide angle projector with Hakoniwa calibration system.
Stella Marino was established in 2013 and provides Astronomy observation and training services.
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UFOB Federal University Oeste Bahia astronomy department has bought fisheye projection system from Fulldome Planetarios Brazil Company. Now they are using Shira Player with fisheye projection system to educate astronomy.

Mr. Garry Diamond Fireball Planetarium owner has chosen Shira Player for his astronomy education. Garry’s been a member of the St. John’s Centre of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada for over 40 years. In 1994 he was awarded the RASC National Service Award for his many years of service in educating the public about astronomy. Now his is using Shira Player on his mobile system dome.

Federal Institute of Mato Grosso astronomy department has bought fisheye projection system from Fulldome Planetarios Brazil Company. Now they are using Shira Player with fisheye projection system to educate astronomy.

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