ShiraPlayer 1.9.0 version
- Details
1.8.9 version has several new features listed below:
- New Scripts
+ New Horizon Spacecraft Pluto mission script
Pluto texture taken by "New Horizon" mission, surprize script for this mission. (Include new horizion images and two audio files)
+ Astroid_shira_start, astroid_shira_stop script
- New Landscape manager
In addition showing sample screenshoot in manager
- New Audio manager
Audio files path must be audio directory in fulldome path.
- Dome ligting-Illumination projection
Red,Green,Blue and White color ambient lighting using projector.
- New reset all function, for return back initial settings.
- Added new horizon pluto texture
- In flyby operation use click+left mouse rotate globe
- In messier catalog window added new checbox (Hide Landscape & Atmosphere) button
- And some bug fixes.
ShiraPlayer version
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New version has new features and fixed bugs listed below
- Planet Zoom Feature
Added Planet Zoom feature newly in stellarium window. Afer clicked planet button, zooming\unzooming in 3 seconds.
- Show Selected planet and star label
Can show only selected star or planet.
- More useful preview screen while Multiprojection plugin using.
While over 1K total resolution, preview screen was using hardly because of objects were very small.
This problem has been solved.
- After case of Freeze\Crash ShiraPlayer can start last status of sky ability.
When program was freeze or crashed with unhandled exceptions last positions of the sky was forgottan.
Now after freezed or crashed, program can be start with last status of the sky, automatically.
- Fixed bugs of FlyBy feature.
Fixed return back and scale planets problems.
Busan National Science Museum, South Korea
- Details
usan National Science Museum is opening in June,2015.
It has 17 meter fixed dome and Optical Observatory with many small telescopes CCD cameras and Portable Planetarium.
The Portable system is in Lecture room with ShiraPlayer.
ShiraPlayer version
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n these version add and change list is below
- Texture of the stars has been changed to be more beauty.
- Hevelius constellation art images has been added. To display it select "Hevelius" from "Sky Culture" list.
- "CompassMarks" plugin has been activated. To use it while showing cardinals to key "Ctrl+C".
Good news for planetariums
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hiraPlayer now with camera based autocalibration for multi channel domes. ShiraPlayer loads native VIOSO files, so with a single click even the most demanding fulldome projection setups are now compatible with the vast capabilities of realtime rendered astronomical contents.
More information for VIOSO calibration system.
More information for ShiraPlayer Multiprojector Plugin.
ShiraPlayer with VIOSO Calibration system package includes below:
- ShiraPlayer
- ShiraPlayer Plugin license
- Vioso Calibration license
- Vioso Camera hardware