ShiraPlayer version is prepared for users.

In this new release displayed planet rotation axis and equator lines. Use Flyby feature to show axis and equator lines.  

On Flyby feature.


onstellation Windows is a new feature has functions that facilitate the constellation training. 

- Single shown well-known constellation
- Shown seasonal and zodiac constellations,collectively.
- Can be changed view Art-Line
- Can be changed constellation line width , color and art brightness.

This feature was requested by Mr.Osamu Kato from AltairLLC Company.

You can download and test ShiraPlayer 1.8.8 version.

Science Center Uluğbey Planetarium opened in 29 September 2014 has started to use ShiraPlayer for
sky presentations. The planetarium has fixed dome and single fisheye projector. Mr.Alper Tunç,planetarium manager is explaining skies to audiences with ShiraPlayer.


"Flyby Planets" and "Messier Catalog" Feature console operations were added. Also some bugs fixed.
Done restricted screen as landscape orientation.






he SureyyaSoft is continuing to develop presentation software.
Now, ShiraPlayer 1.8.7 version has 110 high resolution Messier objects images library.
You can show Messier images with animate effects on dome.
With this version also is fixed some bugs.

Sample image of Messier Catalog Module.

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