New features and fixed bugs: 

  • Below shortkey operations are fixed while pressing key on "Preview Window". These bugs was found by Kenneth Miller and Jim Havens. 
  • After search an object on "Search Dialog", cursor is focused to "Preview window"
  • Show selected object information on "Preview Window"

Etna Planetarium

John Verga who is responsible Vulcano (Etna) museum in Sicily Italy. (
He has got 5 meter inflatable dome used a spheric mirror and Mitsubishi full HD projector.

He has choosen ShiraPlayer becuse of spherical projection feature without problems. 

Also he has used spherical parameter with "texture_triangle_base_length=4" for best result.

New features:

  • Preview Window : Design dome display before see by audience. You can see preview dome view before show over projector. All items can be designed on control screen after click "Apply" button display on dome screen.

  • Save&Load Flat Presentation feature: You can save your flat presentation items on a xml file. After load file without design again

Thanks to Peter Ihnat's effort who works at Wollongong University and supports the Science Centre & Planetarium Wollongong AUSTRALIA as volunteer.
To download new user guide as pdf format click here.

ImageMs.Valerie Barber has succesfully installed ShiraPlayer onto the Broadway School Cosmodome Planetarium system. 

Broadway School is a large senior school in Birmingham, England. Mr Stephen Hill is the primary contact person and he has indicated that he would be happy for the school name to be used for publicity regarding ShiraPlayer.

Ms.Barber said that " Thank you very much for your help answering questions regarding ShiraPlayer. ShiraPlayer is an excellant piece of software!"

The planetarium is a 6 metre dome, Dell laptop and Dell 7609wu projector. They are using a mirror system in the planetarium.The dome is in use today teaching students astronomy. Brodway School Web Site :

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