Jose Carlos Rocha from Brasil is building projectors using fisheye lens to use in Planetarium. Also he is producing inflatable domes and Fulldome movies. Now he is testing and using ShiraPlayer. For detailed informations:

Jose Carlos Rocha has also translated ShiraPlayer User Guide in Brazilian Portuguese Language. So thanks to him. You can download file from here




New features and fixed bugs: 

  • "InitView", "initFov", "auto_zoom_out_resets_direction" values are no longer available in config file. Now ShiraPlayer starts at 180 degree fov and fix view direction for planetarium users. After any object zoom-out return to initial view.
  • "\" "/" keyboard functions ( autoZoomOut autoZoomIn ) are fixed. After auto zooming domeview locates to initial view.
  • While using search dialog, NGC objects and satellites could not be select. This bug is fixed.
  • After click anywhere outside the preview window was unfocused. Now to click on preview window anywhere is again provided to focus on it.
  • .........

Etna Planetarium

John Verga who is responsible Vulcano (Etna) museum in Sicily Italy. (
He has got 5 meter inflatable dome used a spheric mirror and Mitsubishi full HD projector.

He has choosen ShiraPlayer becuse of spherical projection feature without problems. 

Also he has used spherical parameter with "texture_triangle_base_length=4" for best result.

New features and fixed bugs: 

  • Below shortkey operations are fixed while pressing key on "Preview Window". These bugs was found by Kenneth Miller and Jim Havens. 
  • After search an object on "Search Dialog", cursor is focused to "Preview window"
  • Show selected object information on "Preview Window"

Thanks to Peter Ihnat's effort who works at Wollongong University and supports the Science Centre & Planetarium Wollongong AUSTRALIA as volunteer.
To download new user guide as pdf format click here.

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