The University was served by Indonesian distributor Imah Noong. They started using Shira Player in the mobile planetarium. 

 Shira Universe and Shira Presenter started to be used in Xplore Science Center planetarium. 

SU version 4.1 has been released.

Aurora Borealis effect simulation feature has been added in this version.
In order to see this effect, you need to be located in a region between 55 south and 75 north latitudes on earth. For example, Stockholm, Sweden. The effects that start close to sunset will continue until the morning light.



Cosmos Planetarium

Cosmos planetarium is a state of the art, fully digital, 360° immersive multi-media theatre experience. Their 6 metre mobile planetarium can accommodate up to 40 children or 25 adults - no need for expensive transport costs as they come to you!

Now, Steven Gray from The Cosmos Planetarium is testing and using ShiraPlayer...

2023-Updated : Steven Gray, former customer and new distributor of Sureyyasoft products, owner of Cosmos Planetarium, has updated their software. Started using Shira Universe and Shira Presenter. 

In this version, some improvements have been made so that Shira Universe can work fully integrated with Shira Presenter.
With this way of working, it was aimed to benefit from all the advantages of Shira Presenter, especially to play 8K movies.
Therefore, Shira Presenter was added to the installation package, but it was left inactive by default.
When the integration is activated with the "Integrate Shira Presenter" option in the projector settings window, the "Media Manager" "Shader Dome" features and some other features in Shira Universe are turned off and these tasks are left to Shira Presenter.

- Performance mod improved
FPS accelerated when planet topologies are enabled.
The asteroid belt was also made visible.

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