Mr. Sebastiano Mortellaro provides service in Italy with his inflatable planetarium. We wish success to Mr. Mortellaro who started using Shira Universe and Shira Presenter.
email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Released "Shira Dome Console 2.0" as major version with many new features.

  • - High resolution Tully pictures catalog

  • - Extra 2 different constellation colored artistic textures (Hevelius and Western Color)


  • - Comets and Asteroids controls

  • - Information windows about Property and Objects

  • - Easy access to predefined objects (like Messier catalogue, Orion, Pleiades) with Bookmark window.The possibility of the user to create their own bookmarks

  • - Shortcuts for flight to universe scales with scale buttons.

  • - High-Resolution and Color Shaded controls for planets

  • - Possibility to activate other OpenSpace profiles with Profile&Mission

  • - Precise recording and playback capability by adding OpenSpace Recording tool to Script Manager

  • - Multi-language support has been created for the console (English and Turkish for now)

  • - Upgraded to Shira Presenter 1.6 release pack.

  • - The first version of the user book was created.


Two important features have been improved in this version. Also, the User's Guide has been updated.

1. Video encrypting and playback by SPr for Fulldome manufacturers or distributors.

Media Content Protection

Crypto technology has been integrated into Shira Presenter to protect the media content rights of Fulldome video producers and distributors. For this, the "Media Protection" product of MARX® Software Security GmbH was preferred. For more information, “Encryption of digital media content with the CRYPTO-BOX”  Added Shira Cryptor application to the new Shira Presenter package. You can encrypt your videos with the Crypto-Box usb dongle product provided by SureyyaSoft. By distributing your encrypted videos to your customers with 1 hardware dongle, you prevent your videos from being distributed and used without your permission. Crypto-Box usb dongle used in Shira Presenter is TAA compliant. 

 2. Effects library for the media source.

The feature of adding 25 effects that can be applied to each presentation source has been improved.


Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul institution ( ) started to use Shira Universe and Shira Presenter Sureyyasoft software together with the projector purchased from Urania Fulldome (


The University was served by Indonesian distributor Imah Noong. They started using Shira Player in the mobile planetarium. 

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