Developed enhanced "Time Line" control for Fulldome player.
Users can now add more than one pause point with auto-resume delay time, easily. And they can save these settings for later use.
Added also loop button for player.

Short video about new "Time Line" control and create pause points. 

Added "Artistic View" check box to View Dialog, Sky Tab, Stars groupbox.
Each star is shown as an art or classical Stellarium view.

Classic Artistic

To dowload please click

The High School has an astronomical station includes observatory and 8.0 meter fixed planetarium dome. Planetarium includes opto-mechanical projector and single fisheye digital sytem. Mr. Michael Teichert director of the astronomical station decided to use Shira Player in their planetarium.

Allegheny College has 9.1 meter fixed dome planetarium. It has opened at 1964.
Mr.Jamie Lombardi, Physics/Astronomy Professor has choosen to use Shira Player and Shira Universe on their high definition spherical mirror system by support Mark Perkins, Free Fall Technologies LLC.

Another distributor South Korean MegaUniverse Co.Ltd CEO's Mr.Takegeu OH has visited to Sureyyasoft office at 11 February 2020. We worked together about Shira products, Shira Universe, especially. Mr.Takegeu OH aimed to work on for spreading the Shira Unverse in the South Korea.


A mobile dome service and Immersive content creator company CEO's Mr.Carlos Augusto Molina has decided to use Shira Universe on his Astronomy educations with play fulldome shows.
Shira Universe is best choise for spaceflight.

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